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Sunday, April 24, 2011

A hot afternoon in Mashhad and my cold dessert

When you're happy of something, nothing can make you feel bad. Even a very hot afternoon in the house. I just made this dessert and made my day more pleasant. Thinking of you friends...Let's have a pice of that!


Rita A said...

It looks lovely. Is that bastani, ice cream? :)

Sarah said...

It's named jelly Parfeh with Vanilla Ice Cream :)

Dina said...

Don't eat the flower! :)

Petrea Burchard said...

It's always nice to see a post from you, Sarah, especially when you're happy!

Ann said...

That would make me happy as well. said...

Salam from Singapore, Sarah..
That food looks awesome, and I'm sure it will put a smile on my face too. I'll be visiting Iran for 2 weeks in October, and I have some questions. My email address is Thank you!

Lucas Kain said...

This is one state-of-the-art dish. I would most definitely not touch it. Ever.

Cheap international calls

Danial.R said...

Awesome dessert ! So good to be in mood of making such a thing when the weather is not likable ! And happy to see this website still being updated by you...
wish to see more .... :)

blogger on said...

Looks like really good food.